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Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) | Marketing Strategist | Writer

About Me: I am certified global digital marketing professional (CDMP) who is passionate about creating impactful digital experiences, to maximize brand value and build community. My calculated yet agile approach to my scope of work coupled with my natural zeal for learning has allowed me to leverage challenges into rewarding opportunities. In addition, I am always enthused to ideate new concepts by quickly assimilating new information and using prior knowledge in an applicable and transferrable context while ensuring that workflows and processes are streamlined to ultimately replicate success and build thought-leadership for adoption. My marketing and research experience spans 5 years. In the first 3 years of my career, I've worked as a copywriter and social media manager for international brands including the Chief People officer of Zoom's personal brand and National Black Movie Association. As my career evolved, I transitioned into a full time role as a Digital and Marketing Manager at the Jamaica Technology and Digital Alliance. My scope involved defining and planning the brand's digital marketing strategy and campaign initiatives, underpinned by the organization's vision of "access, influence and empowerment through technology. I also managed a team of 2 interns who were supporting with the operational execution of tasks and campaigns. Key to my role was analyzing data and metrics through reporting and documentation. Key Campaign: "Go Digital Campaign" The Go Digital campaign was aimed at increasing awareness and sign-ups on the Go Digital Marketplace platform (https://godigitaljm.com/). The Approach: I conceptualized and planned a 2 hour virtual "Marketplace Meetup" event series, aimed at providing small and micro business with the access and opportunity to meet and connect with technology vendors and solutions providers who can support their digital transformation needs through services such as website development, software development, digital payment solutions, CRM solutions, data analytics, and digital marketing. The Result: The event series generated 100+ marketing-qualified leads for Marketplace Meetup events using organic channels (social media, email marketing and partner/network marketing), as well as, paid ads. In additon, sign-ups on the platform increased by over 270%. Additionally, I organically increased blog visits and views by over 300% and 150%, respectively, on the marketplace platform through email marketing and social media campaigns within 11 months. Why I love Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is an ever-evolving space that forges opportunities to learn and embrace new channels and technologies that provide greater access to information and solutions. Being a digital marketer has allowed me to challenge myself and approach my scope of work with agility and shrewdness, as I grow in the digital space. I believe this is why I am always enthused to conceptualize and manage marketing campaigns. I am also particularly keen on testing different content formats, channels and messaging to gain a more in-depth and empathetic understanding of the target customers. This approach will allow any brand to increase its "know, like and trust factor" by connecting with customers in a human-centric way which ultimately fosters brand affinity and loyalty.

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Independent film maker

Independent film maker residing in Trinidad & Tobago and has worked with an array of local media agencies producing cultural interest television programmes.  She has also produced and directed 5 independent short films analysing multicultural patterns in T&T society, exploring the diversity which exists.  Educated at Boston University and Goldsmiths College, London she as received a BA in TV and Film Production and an MA in Documentary Film Making. She is currently looking for finishing funds for her most recent documentary Upside Down that explores the history of Dragon/ Devil Mas.  Her work for the past 18 years has been focused on documenting aspects of Caribbean culture by exploring multiple traditions and patterns of life to gain an understanding of the nuanced customs that reflect an interweaving of philosophies of the many ethnicities that contributed to the development of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. A sense of timelessness is felt, and a feeling that the stories told have been going on forever, and are now unearthed and told for the 1st time. Upside Down, her most recent and unfinished documentary uses archival footage and photographs, the style is observational- filming workshops, mas camps and staged performances allowing the practitioners of the art form to tell a story waiting to be told for over 200 years. At Sea, her 1st documentary, uses stream of consciousness narrative to compare the techniques used by artisanal fishermen to cultural and societal aspects or patterns. It documents a way of existence that seems timeless, handed down through the generations. Extreme close up, quick cuts with a monotone dialogue makes the viewer comfortable with the idea and imagery of death while addressing uncomfortable issues in life. A focus has been on salvage stories, that are not part of our remembered Caribbean collective consciousness. Unearthing important historical facts, that are to date relatively unknown. In Banwari Man and the Canoe Makers the interview with Peter Harris, head of the excavation team in Trinidad in 1971, is placed in front of a watery background to suggest the importance of the canoe to the 1st peoples and the little known story of the seminal find of a full human skeleton indicating the earliest dates of human settlement in the Caribbean. Plantlore also uses the technique of green screen with larger than life local herbal plants in the background to highlight their importance. It highlights the untapped capacity and potential of Caribbean herbal traditions, the documentary interweaves interviews with academics to explore the benefits of traditional tropical medicinal plants as a subversive alternative conventional methods. Her documentaries presents glimpses into the history and diversity of contributing cultures to the region, offering an understanding of what it is to be authentically of the Caribbean.

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