About Us

2 minute read

For the past 3 years, we've been simmering an exciting idea, a platform dedicated to showcasing the incredible talents of Caribbean & LATAM job seekers. This dream simmered on the back burner as we juggled other projects, but then, in January 2023, it burst back to life, fueled by the aftermath of the global pandemic.

The pandemic's impact was like a wakeup call. It revealed that finding opportunities in our respective fields had grown increasingly challenging. We spoke with fellow candidates from across the Caribbean and Latin America and found that they faced the same uphill battle.

In a twist of fate, we crossed paths with global recruiters scouring the globe for creative brilliance. They were tapping into talent from the Philippines, Canada, and other far-off lands. As we conversed and saw the remarkable potential right here in the Caribbean & LATAM, our initial idea evolved, and Pineapple Jobs was born.

Pineapple Jobs is on a mission, a mission to bridge the gap, connecting the vibrant talent of the Caribbean & LATAM with global companies in search of top-notch professionals. From social media wizards to nimble-fingered developers and versatile virtual assistants, we're here to make those connections happen.

Company Mission

A world where talent knows no boundaries, where every job seeker from the Caribbean and Latin America has the opportunity to thrive on the global stage, and where employers recognize the richness of diverse perspectives. We envision Pineapple Jobs as the gateway to this future, a trailblazing force that transcends borders, connects communities, and empowers individuals. Through our unwavering commitment to DEI and the continuous upskilling of our candidates, we aspire to redefine the recruitment landscape and create a more inclusive and vibrant global workforce. Together, we envision a world where the sweetest fruit is the shared success of our candidates and the global employers we serve.

Company Vision

To connect thousands of Caribbean and LATAM job seekers with great job opportunities at global companies that wholeheartedly embrace and foster a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and empowerment for underrepresented workforce groups, by strengthening relationships in strategic labor markets and by upskilling job seekers, ensuring they meet the top selection criteria for competitive remote positions worldwide.

Our Values:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

DEI is not merely a checkbox for us; it's the essence of who we are. We actively champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering an environment where individuals from all backgrounds are valued and provided equal opportunities. Our commitment to DEI is evident in our recruitment processes, our partnerships, and our unwavering belief in the power of diverse perspectives and experiences.

Remote Work

We believe in the transformative power of remote work. Pineapple Jobs leverages this flexible and dynamic mode of employment to break down geographical barriers, connecting job seekers with opportunities from around the world. Our brand values remote work not just as a trend but as a catalyst for global change, making job opportunities accessible to all, regardless of location.

Training, Development, and Upskilling

We understand that the job market is ever-evolving. That's why we're committed to investing in the continuous learning and growth of our candidates. Our focus on training, development, and upskilling ensures that they meet the top selection criteria for competitive remote positions. Pineapple Jobs is not just a stepping stone; we're a springboard for career success.


We don't work in isolation; we thrive on partnerships. We actively collaborate with clients, candidates, and stakeholders, fostering a sense of community and mutual growth. Our partnerships are built on trust and shared goals, ensuring that we collectively unlock opportunities and nurture talent.


Productivity is at the core of what we do. We are dedicated to enhancing productivity, both internally and for our clients. Our tireless efforts lead to exceptional results that benefit all parties involved, creating a win-win scenario in the job-seeking and hiring process.

Technology and Innovation

Pineapple Jobs embraces the power of technology and innovation. Our commitment to HR Tech-Innovations drives us to continuously seek cutting-edge solutions that enhance the recruitment experience for both job seekers and employers. By embracing the latest advancements in HR technology, we remain at the forefront of the recruitment industry, ensuring that our services remain innovative, adaptable, and always one step ahead in connecting talent with opportunity.

Join us on this exciting journey as we strive to connect thousands of Caribbean & LATAM talent with global job opportunities. Together, let's turn possibilities into reality, one candidate at a time.

Meet our founders

Photo of Joshua Harris
Joshua Harris, co-founder of Pineapple Jobs

Hi there! 👋 I'm Joshua Harris, one of the co-founders and head of all things tech here at Pineapple Jobs. I'm a computer science major and one of the youngest tech founders and trailblazers in the Caribbean & LATAM with a passion for software engineering and business.

I'm on a mission to leverage the power of technology and its ever-evolving innovations to connect people across the world and create boundless opportunities. 🌐🚀

Join me in shaping the Pineapple Jobs story as we craft a brighter tomorrow together.

Photo of Mellesia Lewis
Mellesia Lewis, co-founder of Pineapple Jobs

Hello there! 👋 I'm Mellesia Lewis, your co-pilot at Pineapple Jobs, where I wear the hats of co-founder and head of all things marketing and sales. But, let me tell you, there's more to me than just titles; I'm an entrepreneur, a digital marketing strategist, and a money and business coach.

My journey has always been about making a deliberate and meaningful impact, connecting everyday individuals with extraordinary opportunities through entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

For me, it's a firm belief that every single soul on this planet deserves nothing less than an awe-inspiring and bountiful life. So, I'm here to help you pave the way to your own extraordinary journey.

My commitment to championing diversity, equity, and inclusion is unwavering, both in my work and personal life.

Together, let's embark on this Pineapple Jobs adventure and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all. 🍍🌟🌎